Friday, October 12, 2012

Clean Energy Competition

The ecosystem is on the drowning stage due to increasing hazards caused by pollution. The need of the hour is to take in charge for saving our world by changing every bit to being eco friendly. Punjab Youth Festival 2012 has contributed toward this most significant global issue by arranging two mega events which will bring the attention of the youth on bringing out products that help in stabilizing the environment by being 0 % harmful in every aspect.
*Come forward to play your role in this paramount effort to
*Generate a healthy environment for our brothers and Sisters*

Save and Sustain for the Next For more Info visit Page or Portal 

National Anthem Singing Ceremony

The time for which whole Pakistan has been waiting for, has come! 5 days left in the world record attempt of National Anthem Singing Ceremony. Participate in our online quiz competitions and win the passes to the ceremony. Yes!! Everyone who gives the correct answer would be the winner! For more info visit Facebook Page or our Portal thanks 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Signing contract with Guinness World Records

For the first time in the history, the officials of Guinness World Records are visiting Pakistan. Sports Board Punjab is signing contract with Guinness World Records for world record events in Punjab Youth Festival 2012.

Sports Board Punjab is organizing the biggest festival in the world, Punjab Youth Festival 2012, likely to be witnessed by Guinness World Records. For more updates visit Punjab Youth Festival 2012 Updates of visit Face Book 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Guinness World Records Contract Signing Ceremony

For the first time in the history, the officials of Guinness World Records are visiting Pakistan. Sports Board Punjab is signing contract with Guinness World Records for world record events in Punjab Youth Festival 2012.

Sports Board Punjab
b cordially invites all its Facebook Fans to attend the M.O.U contract signing ceremony on 20th September 2012. Inbox us to get free passes to the Guinness World Records Contract Signing Ceremony By Sports Board Punjab. (Limited Passes available)

For more information visit Sports Board Punjab Official Page or Our Sports Board Punjab Website